Wind-induced vibration control of high-rise steel-truss tower using piezoelectric smart friction dampers

Wei Lian Qu, Zhao Hui Chen, You Lin Xu

Research output: Journal article publicationJournal articleAcademic researchpeer-review

13 Citations (Scopus)


Piezoelectric material is a kind of new-type smart material. In the study of this paper. an innovative smart friction damper is designed to incorporate the piezoelectric material with passive friction damper. Based on the classical LQR theory, this paper puts forward a quasi-optimal control strategy for wind-induced vibration control of high-rise steel-truss tower using semi-active friction dampers. Hefei TV tower, the highest steel tower planned to be erected in China, is used as an analytical case to examine the control method. To meet the needs of dynamical analysis of friction-damper-equipped high-rise steel-truss tower, this paper constructs two mechanic models, which are spacial truss finite element model and series-connected multi-freedom model for high-rise tower's vibration control study. The two mechanic models are comprehensively used in establishing the broad-sensed control force location matrix and computing the relative displacement of the two ends of an arbitrarily located friction damper. The studies of this paper confirm the feasibility of this innovative method in the dynamical response analysis for friction-damper-equipped high-rise steel-truss tower, as well as the effectiveness of piezoelectric smart friction dampers in abating the wind-induced vibration responses.
Original languageChinese (Simplified)
Pages (from-to)94-99
Number of pages6
JournalJournal of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 24 Jul 2000


  • High-rise steel-truss tower
  • Piezoelectric material
  • Semiactive control
  • Smart friction damper

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
  • Geophysics

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