Toward waste glass upcycling: Preparation and characterization of high-volume waste glass geopolymer composites

Rui Xiao, Xiaodi Dai, Jingtao Zhong, Yuetan Ma, Xi Jiang, Junxi He, Yanhai Wang, Baoshan Huang

Research output: Journal article publicationJournal articleAcademic researchpeer-review

8 Citations (Scopus)


Portland cement-free high-volume waste glass geopolymer composite is proposed for the upcycling of glass waste. The “high-volume” is achieved by utilizing GP as the geopolymer precursor and glass cullet as the aggregate. Our observations show decent strength and durability can be obtained by the composites with up to ∼83 wt% waste glass by the mass of solid components. GP and common geopolymer precursors (class C and class F fly ash and slag) have synergistic effects on forming calcium-(sodium-)aluminosilicate hydrate (C-(N-)A-S-H) and sodium-aluminosilicate hydrate (N-A-S-H). A higher Ca content and dosage of Na2O, however, lead to a larger drying shrinkage. Although glass aggregate can reduce the shrinkage to some extent, the highly reactive aggregate may cause the progressive ASR in the Ca-rich mixtures. The ASR expansion decreases with the increasing dosage of Na2O possibly because an overly high pH in pore solution thermodynamically hindered the precipitation of ASR gels and/or a higher alkaline concentration favors the dissolution of aggregate surfaces at curing stage, and the dissolved Si participates in the hydration process.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere00890
JournalSustainable Materials and Technologies
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2024


  • Alkali-silica reaction (ASR)
  • Geopolymer
  • Glass aggregate
  • Shrinkage
  • Thermodynamic simulation
  • Waste glass

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment
  • General Materials Science
  • Waste Management and Disposal
  • Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering


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