To Compare or Not to Compare? The Impact of Comparative Appeal on Viewers’ Processing and Response towards Hotel Advertisements

Yiu Chung Leung, Xuan Wang

Research output: Chapter in book / Conference proceedingConference article published in proceeding or bookAcademic researchpeer-review


The primary goal of this research is to enrich the theoretical understanding about the impact of including (vs excluding) comparative appeal in hotel advertisements on viewers’ processing and response towards them. Drawing on the results from two scenario-based experimental studies conducted with 298 prospective hotel customers, comparative hotel ads are found to be more persuasive than non-comparative counterparts by viewers. Viewers’ attitude toward comparative hotel ads is more positive than that of non-comparative hotel ads. Viewers’ intention to click comparative hotel ads is also found to be higher than that of non-comparative hotel ads.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationAPacCHRIE 2023 Conference Proceedings
Publication statusPublished - 26 May 2023
Event2023 APacCHRIE Conference - Clark, Philippines
Duration: 25 May 202327 May 2023


Competition2023 APacCHRIE Conference


  • Comparative advertisements
  • Comparative appeal
  • Ad persuasiveness
  • Click-through intention


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