The spherical harmonic representation of the gravitational field quantities generated by the ice density contrast

Robert Tenzer, Ahmed Abdalla, Peter Vajda, Hamayun

Research output: Journal article publicationJournal articleAcademic researchpeer-review

42 Citations (Scopus)


We derive the expressions for computing the ice density contrast stripping corrections to the topography corrected gravity field quantities by means of the spherical harmonics. The expressions in the spectral representation utilize two types of the spherical functions, namely the spherical height functions and the newly introduced lower-bound ice functions. The spherical height functions describe the global geometry of the upper topographic bound. The spherical lower-bound ice functions combined with the spherical height functions describe the global thickness of the continental ice sheet. The newly derived formulas are utilized in the forward modelling of the gravitational field quantities generated by the ice density contrast. The 30×30 arc-sec global elevation data from GTOPO30 are used to generate the global elevation model (GEM) coefficients. The spatially averaged global elevation data from GTOPO30 and the 2×2 arc-deg ice-thickness data from the CRUST 2.0 global crustal model are used to generate the global lower-bound ice model (GIM) coefficients. The mean value of the ice density contrast 1753 kg/m3(i.e., difference of the reference constant density of the continental upper crust 2670 kg/m3and the density of glacial ice 917 kg/m3) is adopted. The numerical examples are given for the gravitational potential and attraction generated by the ice density contrast computed globally with a low-degree spectral resolution complete to degree and order 90 of the GEM and GIM coefficients.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)207-223
Number of pages17
JournalContributions to Geophysics and Geodesy
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2010
Externally publishedYes


  • Correction
  • Density
  • Gravity
  • Ice
  • Spherical harmonics

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Geophysics


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