The further study on the accuracy of DEM terrain representation

G.X. Wan, C.Q. Zhu, Wen Zhong Shi, G.Q. Zhang

Research output: Journal article publicationJournal articleAcademic researchpeer-review


对数字高程模型(DEM)的地形描述误差(Et)与空间分辨率(R)和平均剖面曲率(V)的关系进行研究,得到地形描述误差的均方差值与R、V的函数关系公式:RMSEt=(0.0061V+0.0027)R+0.0010V2-0.0649V+0.5695。进一步,还得到地形描述误差的均方差值与R、坡度W的函数关系公式:RMSEt=(0.0001W2+0.0031W+0.0301)R+0.0008W2-0.0508W+0.3559。分析结果表明,所得公式具有好的效果。||The relation between DEM terrain representation error (E_t) and the variation of DEM resolution (R) and mean profile curvature (V) is studied. And a new formula on the relation for RMS E_t, R and V is described as: RMSE_t=(0.006 1V+0.002 7)R+0.001 0V~2-0.064 9V+0.569 5On the other hand, a formula on the relation for RMS E_t, R and slope W is described as: RMSE_t=(0.000 1W~2+0.003 1W+0.030 1)R+0.000 8W~2-0.050 8W+0.355 9The analysis of the formulae shows that there is high accuracy by the developed formulae.
Original languageChinese (Simplified)
Pages (from-to)168-173
Number of pages6
Journal測繪学报 (Acta geodetica et cartographica sinica)
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2004


  • DEM
  • Error
  • Space resolution
  • Mean profile curvature
  • Slope

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Earth and Planetary Sciences

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