The Effectiveness of Occupation-based Sleep Programme for Patients with Insomnia

Ching Man Eris Ho, Man Hong Andrew Siu

Research output: Unpublished conference presentation (presented paper, abstract, poster)Conference presentation (not published in journal/proceeding/book)Academic researchpeer-review


Sleep problems are a worldwide health issue, with an average prevalence rate ranging from 10% to 30%. The development of sleep intervention in occupational therapy is expanding, however, there is limited research evidence. Insomnia affects daytime occupational performance; and in return daytime occupational choice affects sleep. The Model of Human Occupation focus on how to motivate, structure and perform one’s occupation to achieve balance. The occupation-based sleep program focuses on strategies to maximize occupational balance through lifestyle coaching to promote patterning of occupation into routine and lifestyle. This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of the occupation-based sleep program on sleep pattern, mood and occupational balance among community dwelling adults presents with insomnia. This study is a quasi-experimental design which compares therapy outcomes at pre, post and follow up, between intervention group and treatment-as-usual group. A total of 35 clients were recruited with 20 from intervention group and 15 from treatment-as-usual group. There is no significant different on baseline characteristic between groups. When compared with treatment-as-usual group, there’s significant improvement on sleep efficiency at post intervention. In addition, intervention group had significant improvement in insomnia severity, sleep efficiency, occupational balance and mood at follow up. In summary, occupation-based sleep interventions aim to 1) minimize influence of bodily function on sleep; 2) promote environment conductive to sleep; and 3) restructure activity with a focus on occupational balance. Further development of sleep management from an occupational therapy perspective will strengthen the role of sleep within clinical practice, education, and research domains
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 30 Sept 2019
Event6th Model Of Human Occupation Institute Conference - Chicago, United States
Duration: 27 Sept 201930 Jun 2020


Conference6th Model Of Human Occupation Institute Conference
Country/TerritoryUnited States
Internet address


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