The effect of triptolide on CD4+ and CD8+ cells in the Peyer's patch of da rats with collagen induced arthritis

Cheng Xiao, Linhua Zhao, Zhenli Liu, Cheng Lu, Ning Zhao, Dajian Yang, Shilin Chen, Cheuk On Tang, Albert Chan, Ai Ping Lu

Research output: Journal article publicationJournal articleAcademic researchpeer-review

23 Citations (Scopus)


Triptolide is a purified component from a traditional Chinese herb Tripterygium wilfordii Hook F. It has been shown to have anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive activities by its inhibitory effect on T-cells. But the effect of triptolide on enteric mucosal immune responses is not well known. The enteric mucosal immune system, especially the Peyer's patch, is regarded as one of the sites for inducing immunity tolerance, and this intolerance effect has been used to induce oral tolerance, which can considerably reduce arthritis severity in several models of experimental polyarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients. In this study, we investigated the effect of triptolide on the CD4+ and CD8+ cell distribution in Peyer's patch cells and periphery lymphocytes and TGF-β and IFN- levels in periphery in collagen induced arthritis (CIA) in DA rats. CIA in the rat is a widely studied animal model of inflammatory polyarthritis, with similarities to RA, and the DA rat is one of most susceptible strains for CIA. Our data show that triptolide could lower the arthritic scores of CIA. The more CD8+ cells in the Peyer's patch, the more CD4+ cells in periphery. High level IFN-γ and low level TGF-β in periphery are observed in CIA rats, while the less CD4+ and CD8+ cells in the Peyer's patch, the less CD4+ cells in periphery. Low level IFN- and high level TGF- in periphery are shown in triptolide-treated rats. The dose dependency of triptolide was observed in periphery CD4 cells and in the arthritic score. Therefore, the effect of triptolide on Peyer's patch immune cells might partially explain some of the immunosuppressive activities of triptolide.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1699-1706
Number of pages8
JournalNatural Product Research
Issue number18
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2009


  • Collagen induced arthritis
  • IFN-γ
  • Peyer's patch
  • TGF-β
  • Triptolide

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Analytical Chemistry
  • Biochemistry
  • Plant Science
  • Organic Chemistry


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