Temperature behaviors of an arch bridge through integration of field monitoring and unified numerical simulation

Qi Xia, Wang Lin Wu, Fu Nian Li, Xiao Qing Zhou, You Lin Xu, Yong Xia

Research output: Journal article publicationJournal articleAcademic researchpeer-review

15 Citations (Scopus)


Varying temperature may cause a non-uniform temperature distribution of a bridge and lead to excessive movement and stresses of the structure. Traditional thermal analyses of bridges adopt a divide-and-conquer approach, which conducts a simplified 2D or local 3D heat-transfer analysis and then a global 3D structural analysis by inputting the calculated temperature into another bridge model. This process requires considerable manual intervention and is inefficient and may lead to inaccurate results. This study develops a unified approach of heat-transfer and structural analyses for the first time to calculate the temperature distribution and the associated responses of an entire structure by integrating the field monitoring data. The arch footbridge at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University is used as a testbed, and a detailed finite element model (FEM) of the bridge is established. The measured air temperature and solar radiation are used as the thermal boundary conditions. The hemisphere technique is adopted to calculate the view factor between different surfaces of the bridge, which are then used to obtain the solar radiation on all external surfaces in different instants on different dates. The 3D global hear-transfer analysis is conducted to obtain the temperature distribution of the entire bridge. The calculated temperature data of the bridge are then automatically input into the same FEM of the bridge to calculate the temperature-induced bridge responses via the structural analysis. The heat-transfer analysis and structural analysis share the same FEM while using different element types. Therefore, the manual intervention is avoided. The calculated and monitored temperature data and responses show a good agreement. The developed new unified approach enables an automatic and efficient analysis of thermal behaviors of bridges. This approach can be extended to other types of bridges.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)3492-3509
Number of pages18
JournalAdvances in Structural Engineering
Issue number16
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2022


  • arch bridge
  • heat-transfer analysis
  • structural health monitoring
  • temperature behaviors
  • temperature distribution

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Civil and Structural Engineering
  • Building and Construction


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