Synthesis of 2-DOF Decoupled Rotation Stage with FEA-Based Neural Network

Tingting Ye, Yangmin Li

Research output: Journal article publicationJournal articleAcademic researchpeer-review

6 Citations (Scopus)


Transfer printing technology has developed rapidly in the last decades, offering a potential demand for 2-DOF rotation stages. In order to remove decoupling modeling, improve motion accuracy, and simplify the control method, the 2-DOF decoupled rotation stages based on compliant mechanisms present notable merits. Therefore, a novel 2-DOF decoupled rotation stage is synthesized of which the critical components of decoupling are the topological arrangement and a novel decoupled compound joint. To fully consider the undesired deformation of rigid segments, an FEA-based neural network model is utilized to predict the rotation strokes and corresponding coupling ratios, and optimize the structural parameters. Then, FEA simulations are conducted to investigate the static and dynamic performances of the proposed 2-DOF decoupled rotation stage. The results show larger rotation strokes of 4.302 mrad in one-axis actuation with a 1.697% coupling ratio, and 4.184 and 4.151 mrad in two-axis actuation with undesired (Formula presented.) rotation of 0.014 mrad with fewer actuators than other works. In addition, the first natural frequency of 2151 Hz is also higher, enabling a wider working frequency range.

Original languageEnglish
Article number192
Number of pages13
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2023


  • 2-DOF rotation stage
  • compliant mechanisms
  • micro manipulation
  • transfer printing


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