Study on relationship between science and art in textile innovative design

J. Zhou, Man Ching Frankie Ng

Research output: Journal article publicationJournal articleAcademic researchpeer-review


纺织品创新设计研究属于实用艺术设计研究范畴,不同于纯艺术设计,其设计研究的方法论根据产品的特征而具有特殊性。文章通过对纺织产品主体特征的分析来研究纺织产品的设计特点,归纳出纺织产品的美学特征是由表面的美学特征(造型美、装饰美和色彩美)及深层次的美学特征(材质美和技术美)组成,认为成功的纺织品创新设计必须结合艺术和科学的双重因素来实现,而艺术与科学结合的设计研究方法论是纺织品创新设计的最有效方法。||Researching in textile innovative design embraces its own research methodology appropriating the properties of textile product, which belongs to the applied art research field and differs from that in the fine art one. This paper set out to investigate the general features of textile design through an in-depth analysis on the foundational characteristics of textile product. Subsequently, the aesthetics of textile product are broadly classified into two dimensions and five types-the surface and emotional aesthetical dimension that consist shape, ornament and colour; and the content and rational aesthetical dimension that consist material and technique. This paper concludes by suggesting that any successful research in textile innovative design takes into consideration artistic and scientific factors in various degrees, and the art-science methodology that integrates multi-disciplinary knowledge optimizes the creative outcomes and aesthetical dimension of design as well as research in creative textiles. 还原
Original languageChinese (Simplified)
Pages (from-to)10-13
Number of pages4
Journal丝绸 (Silk)
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2008


  • Textile
  • Innovative design
  • Aesthetic characteristic
  • Science and art
  • Methodology

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