Study of Aeronautical Decision Making in Simulated Non-Normal Flight Deck Environment

Qinbiao Li, Kam Hung Ng, Hei Chi Leung, Man Him Ho, Ka Lok Leung

Research output: Chapter in book / Conference proceedingConference article published in proceeding or bookAcademic researchpeer-review


View Video Presentation: article reviews the captain's decisions when faced with an abnormal cockpit environment during flight by comparing three different decision-making models; the CLEAR, DECIDE, and DOGAM. 10 participants with aviation backgrounds were recruited to conduct the designed scenario. The Situational Awareness Assessment Technology and NASA-TLX were used to assess the participants’ situation awareness and workload after each experiment. An in-depth interview was conducted after the experiment to understand the subjective perception of each model. The result of the experiment shows CLEAR has the highest SA and lowest workload. The time to solve the emergency issue was shorter than the others model. The DECIDE model increased workload by simultaneously processing lots of information and measuring significant changes, whilst the DOGAM model encouraged participants to make aggressive decisions, leading to increase stress.
Original languageOthers/Unknown
Title of host publicationAIAA AVIATION 2023 Forum
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2023

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