Structural characteristics of low torque ring yarns

Y. Guo, Xiaoming Tao, Bingang Xu, S.Y. Wang

Research output: Journal article publicationJournal articleAcademic research


从纤维在空间上的三维形态以及在纱线横截面上的分布分析了低扭矩环锭纱中纤维的三维结构特征.研究结果表明,低扭矩环锭纱中大量的纤维轨迹呈非同轴异形螺旋线,其螺旋轴线与纱线轴线不一致,且螺旋半径不断显著变化,同时,很多纤维片段的螺旋线方向与纱线正常捻度方向相反.此外,低扭矩纱线中纤维在纱线横截面上的分布较为集中,有利于拉伸变形时纤维同时受力.低扭矩环锭纱的这些结构特征揭示了其独特的物理性能,即低残余扭矩、低捻度、高强力.||A comparative study on structural characteristics of low torque ring and conventional ring yarns in terms of 3D fiber configurations and the fiber packing density is made.The research results reveal that many fiber specimens in low torque ring yarns follow a deformed non-concentric helix and the size of helical loops varies significantly,also the axis of the helix does not coincide with yarn axis.Local reversion phenomena appear on many fiber segments.In addition,fiber in the low torque ring yarns cross section distributes more concentratedly and presents compacter structure.Those features offer an explanation for the excellent physical properties of low torque ring yarns with low residual torque,low twist and high strength.
Original languageChinese (Simplified)
Pages (from-to)164-169
Number of pages6
Journal東華大學學報. 自然科學版 (Journal of Dong Hua university)
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2012


  • Low torque ring yarns
  • Three-dimensional configuration
  • Deformed non-concentric helix
  • Local reversion
  • Packing density

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