Streaming Asianness in Hospitality: An Inventory of Japanese Cultural Elements and Their Impact on Travel Intentions through a Case Study of Netflix's Midnight Diner Series

Jason Willis Michael Kelly

Research output: Chapter in book / Conference proceedingConference article published in proceeding or bookAcademic research


Japanese culture is celebrated globally, and Japan remains a prominent international tourist destination. Japanese food and hospitality are major tourist attractions as they embody the country’s rich traditions and provide an authentic experience of Japan’s unique cultural traditions. The advent of catalogues of streamable media via online platforms has allowed for greater potential exposure of international and foreign media to a worldwide audience. This study conducts an inventory of the portrayal of asianness in hospitality in the Japanese drama series ‘Midnight Diner’ and ‘Midnight Diner: Tokyo Stories’ series streamed via Netflix internationally, and explores their impact on the viewer’s travel intentions.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationAPacCHRIE 2023 Conference Proceedings
Number of pages9
Publication statusPublished - 27 May 2023
Event2023 APacCHRIE Conference - Clark, Philippines
Duration: 25 May 202327 May 2023


Competition2023 APacCHRIE Conference


  • Streaming
  • Asianness
  • Hospitality
  • Japan
  • Midnight Diner


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