Role of wastewater treatment in the sustainable development in Hong Kong

Y. Huangfu, H. Chua, Wei Chu

Research output: Chapter in book / Conference proceedingConference article published in proceeding or bookAcademic research


The reason for choosing this topic is that I hope my review work will begin to fill up a research gap on the wastewater treatment for sustainable development in Hong Kong. This report presents a review of the wastewater treatment situation in Hong Kong and a discussion on how it is related to the sustainable development. Three indicators of sustainability in wastewater treatment are dealt with: economic, environmental, and societal indicators. The overall results of each treatment technology, which are mechanical (activated sludge), lagoon system, and land treatment system), show that they have various degrees of efficiency. In addition, it will summarize the government's measures in controlling water pollution in Hong Kong. The paper will then present sustainable development in wastewater treatment engineering. A good example, Ngong Ping Sewage Treatment Works, will be presented later. This treatment plant incorporates the tertiary treatment stage and reuse of effluent as flushing water for local public toilets there. Finally, the author will make some recommendations for policy makers in maintaining sustainable development and good water quality in Hong Kong.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication[Missing Source Name from PIRA]
PublisherFaculty of Construction and Land Use, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
ISBN (Print)9789881731173
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2011


  • Activated sludge
  • Indicators of sustainability
  • Sustainable development (SD)
  • Wastewater treatment in Hong Kong


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