Robust in-fiber spatial interferometer by using multicore fiber for vibration detection

Zhiyong Zhao, Zhengyong Liu, Ming Tang, Songnian Fu, Wang Liang, Nan Guo, Chao Jin, Hwayaw Tam, Lu Chao

Research output: Journal article publicationJournal articleAcademic researchpeer-review


We report the demonstration of a novel in-fiber spatially integrated Michelson interferometer based on weakly coupled multicore fiber (MCF) for vibration sensing. The compact interferometer is constructed by using two separate cores of the MCF, where the fiber end is cleaved in order to generate strong Fresnel reflection, and independent light coupling between the cores of MCF and the single mode fibers (SMFs) is enabled by the fan-in coupler. Vibration gives rise to differential strain variation between cores which results in the modification of phase difference of the interferometer. A narrow linewidth laser is employed, in order to interrogate the phase change induced reflection power variation. Vibration event can be identified and the vibration frequency can be retrieved by processing the measured reflection power with fast Fourier transform (FFT). Broad vibration frequency response range up to 12 kHz (limited by the cut-off frequency of the voltage driver of the vibration source) has been achieved. Performance of the sensor has been shown to be independent of the selection of different core pairs, where the MCF is wound to a piezoelectric transducer (PZT). The proposed in-fiber integrated spatial interferometer does not require any special processing of the fiber (e.g., tapering, splicing, and so forth). The unique sensor structure provides some extraordinary merits, including ultra-compact size, high mechanical strength, high sensitivity and temperature insensitivity.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)29629-29637
JournalOptics Express
Issue number23
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2018


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