Profile of mood states and quality of life of Chinese postmastectomy women in Hong Kong: Integrating variable- and person-centered approaches

Woo Kyung Shin, Fraide A. Ganotice, Kevin Downing, Lee Wai Yip, Fred Han, Winnie Yeo, Joyce J.S. Suen, Kun M. Lee, Sin Man Simone Ho, Sung Inda Soong, Ka Yan Wong, Carol Chi Hei Kwok, Kaoru Leung

Research output: Journal article publicationJournal articleAcademic researchpeer-review

4 Citations (Scopus)


Understanding the mood state and its relationship with quality of life (QOL) of mastectomy recipients can serve as baseline within which a sound rehabilitation program can be developed. This study therefore was conducted to facilitate a better understanding of participants' postmastectomy mood states, identify their potential predictors, identify clusters of mood profiles, and clarify between-cluster differences in terms of QOL. Hong Kong mastectomy patients completed the Profile of Mood States and Ferrans and Powers Quality of Life Index. We extended the complementary strengths of the application of both variable- and person-centered approaches to clarify relationships and to identify profiles of mood states in relation to QOL in a sample of 200 women who had undergone a mastectomy in Hong Kong. Simultaneous regression identified age and educational attainment as predictors of mood states, and cluster analysis identified three distinct mood profiles that are able to explain differences in various measures of QOL after mastectomy. Implications for future research and practice are discussed.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)906-921
Number of pages16
JournalHealth Care for Women International
Issue number8
Publication statusPublished - 2 Aug 2016

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Health Professions


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