Potential problems of running design-build projects in construction

Edmond W.M. Lam, Ping Chuen Chan, Wai Ming Chan

Research output: Journal article publicationJournal articleAcademic researchpeer-review

5 Citations (Scopus)


Research an the design-build procurement method has attracted considerable Interests Of both the construction researchers and industry practitioners in recent years. With the increasing complexity Of construction projects to be undertaken nowadays, it is necessary to identify the potential probiems of this alternative procurement system in order to further enhance the level ofproject success. This pAPCr provides a criticai anaiysis on the problems in running design-build (D&B) projects. Itfirst reviews the trend in the use afthe design-build procurement system in different countries. It was found that some western countries like UK, US, Itaiy and Australia have adopted D&B as a major project delivery methodfor more than a decade while the use of D&B in the east side is on the rise In recent years. D&B has been employed to reduce the problems inherent in the traditional procurement system. To ensure a hIgher level of project success, the writers carried out a comprehensive desk stUdy on the significant problems of running D&B projects. The problems caused and faced by the stakeholders, namely clients, contractors and consultants were identified and discussed. Potential approaches to resolve the identified problems were recommended. A research focus is hereby suggested for conducting more detailed case studies of D&B projects so that critical successfactors for D&B projects can be identified.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)8-14
Number of pages7
JournalHKIE Transactions Hong Kong Institution of Engineers
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2003


  • Construction
  • Design-build
  • Difficulties
  • Problems

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Engineering


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