Porting or not porting? availability of exclusive games in the mobile app market

Yu Chen Yang, Hao Yin, Yong Jimmy Jin

Research output: Unpublished conference presentation (presented paper, abstract, poster)Conference presentation (not published in journal/proceeding/book)Academic researchpeer-review


Mobile games dominate the mobile app markets and contribute over half of the mobile app revenues. In order to attract more users and generate higher revenues, the platforms such as Apple iOS and Google Android, would like to partner with the game developers and have the developers exclusively stay at their own platforms to entice more consumer demands. For example, the game developer “Electronic Arts” agrees to offer Apple iOS a two-month exclusive window for the well-known mobile game “Plants vs. Zombies 2”. The benefits of the exclusivity to the platforms and app developers are unclear and not studies in the literature. This study aims (1) to provide managerial insights for the platforms and app developers, and (2) to analyze the pros and cons of the partnership strategy, e.g. when offering an exclusive deal, how do the platforms and developers maximize the corresponding profits by the exclusive deal, and what is the optimal exclusive duration?

Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2017
Event21st Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems: Societal Transformation Through IS/IT, PACIS 2017 - Langkawi, Malaysia
Duration: 16 Jul 201720 Jul 2017


Conference21st Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems: Societal Transformation Through IS/IT, PACIS 2017


  • Exclusivity
  • Mobile platform
  • Network externalities
  • Two-sided market

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Information Systems


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