Photo-Enhanced Singlet Oxygen Generation of Prussian Blue-Based Nanocatalyst for Augmented Photodynamic Therapy

Dongdong Wang, Ruohong Shi, Jiajia Zhou, Sixiang Shi, Huihui Wu, Pengping Xu, Hui Wang, Guoliang Xia, Todd E. Barnhart, Weibo Cai, Zhen Guo, Qianwang Chen

Research output: Journal article publicationJournal articleAcademic researchpeer-review

43 Citations (Scopus)


Therapeutic effects of photodynamic therapy (PDT)remain largely limited because of tumor hypoxia. Herein, we report safe and versatile nanocatalysts (NCs)for endogenous oxygen generation and imaging-guided enhanced PDT. The NCs (named as PSP)are prepared by coating Prussian blue (PB)with mesoporous silica to load photosensitizer (zinc phthalocyanine, ZnPc), followed by the modification of polyethylene glycol chains. The inner PB not only acts like a catalase for hydrogen peroxide decomposition but also serves as a photothermal agent to increase the local temperature and then speed up the oxygen supply under near-infrared irradiation. The loaded ZnPc can immediately transform the formed oxygen to generate cytotoxic singlet oxygen upon the same laser irradiation due to the overlapped absorption between PB and ZnPc. Results indicate that the PSP-ZnPc (PSPZP)NCs could realize the photothermally controlled improvement of hypoxic condition in cancer cells and tumor tissues, therefore demonstrating enhanced cancer therapy by the incorporation of PDT and photothermal therapy.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)14-26
Number of pages13
Early online date12 Oct 2018
Publication statusPublished - 30 Nov 2018
Externally publishedYes


  • Biological Sciences
  • Catalysis
  • Chemistry
  • Drug Delivery System
  • Inorganic Chemistry

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General


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