Performance analysis of the Wave Trapping Barrier

Cheng Yang, Jie Pan, Li Cheng

Research output: Chapter in book / Conference proceedingConference article published in proceeding or bookAcademic researchpeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


The design of a noise barrier for reducing unwanted noise is a common practice in acoustical engineering. However, when the barrier is placed in front of the source with large reflective surface, multiple reflections between the source and barrier happen and significantly reduce the noise reduction performance of the barrier. In order to minimize this deterioration effect, the Wave Trapping Barrier (WTB), which has a designed surface profile and resonance sound absorption, has been developed. The designed surface aims to change the direction of the reflective noise and thereby trap them within the domain bounded by the source surface and noise barrier. In this paper, the performance of WTB is numerically investigated and compared with T-shape and Tilted barriers. It is found that a WTB with absorption material on its surface achieves the best result. We also underline the mechanism involved in the improved performance of the WTB.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationAustralian Acoustical Society Conference 2012, Acoustics 2012
Subtitle of host publicationAcoustics, Development, and the Environment
Number of pages4
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2012
EventConference on Australian Acoustical Society 2012: Acoustics, Development, and the Environment, Acoustics 2012 - Fremantle, WA, Australia
Duration: 21 Nov 201223 Nov 2012


ConferenceConference on Australian Acoustical Society 2012: Acoustics, Development, and the Environment, Acoustics 2012
CityFremantle, WA

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Acoustics and Ultrasonics


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