On relationship of Z-curve and fourier approaches for DNA coding sequence classification

Ngai Fong Law, K.O. Cheng, W.C. Siu

Research output: Journal article publicationJournal articleAcademic researchpeer-review


Z-curve features are one of the popular features used in exon/intron classification. We showed that although both Z-curve and Fourier approaches are based on detecting 3-periodicity in coding regions, there are significant differences in their spectral formulation. From the spectral formulation of the Z-curve, we obtained three modified sequences that characterize different biological properties. Spectral analysis on the modified sequences showed a much more prominent 3-periodicity peak in coding regions than the Fourier approach. For long sequences, prominent peaks at 2Π/3 are observed at coding regions, whereas for short sequences, clearly discernible peaks are still visible. Better classification can be obtained using spectral features derived from the modified sequences.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)242-246
Number of pages5
Issue number7
Publication statusPublished - 2006


  • Z-Curve approach
  • FT analysis
  • DNA sequence
  • Coding region
  • Spectral analysis


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