Multi-dimensional meanings of subjective adverbs - Case study of mandarin Chinese adverb pianpian

Research output: Unpublished conference presentation (presented paper, abstract, poster)Conference presentation (not published in journal/proceeding/book)Academic researchpeer-review


The combination of strict scalar and exclusive components of focus particles has been considered to be exceptional and rare in the literature. In this study, we identify and analyze a frequently used multi-dimensional focus particle pianpian 偏偏 in Mandarin Chinese and claim that it is a strictly scalar exclusive focus particle (which accordingly show evaluative properties). The analysis is based on data from CCL corpus. Different from English only, the scalar feature of pianpian is non-optional and does not depend on the lexical specification of the focus. Furthermore, the negation of the more expected/positive alternatives by pianpian gives rise to interesting interactions with surprisal, modality and speaker-orientedness.

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages7
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2019
Event31st Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation, PACLIC 2017 - Cebu City, Philippines
Duration: 16 Nov 201718 Nov 2017


Conference31st Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation, PACLIC 2017
CityCebu City

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Language and Linguistics
  • Computer Science (miscellaneous)


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