Moving frame aand its application in the error analysis of point contact gearing

G.R. Liu, D.F. Zhao, J.S. Li, S.M. Lou, Ching Yuen Chan

Research output: Journal article publicationJournal articleAcademic research


活动标形法的论述首推苏步青译,佐佐木重夫著《微分几何学》,还有的著作从外微分形式引入活动标形.本文论证取曲面的正交曲率网为参数网时,曲面论的基本公式就是活动标形的微分形式,并用其分析了点啮合齿轮传动误差.||This paper demonstrates that the basic formulas of surface theory are just the differential formation of the moving frame,if the vertical curvature web is chosen as the parameter web.And applied the theory into the analysis of the transmission error of the point contact gearing.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)64-67
Number of pages4
Journal数学理论与应用 (Mathematical theory and application)
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2005


  • Moving frame
  • Contact
  • Analysis
  • Curvature
  • Web


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