Mobile-assisted peer feedback on EFL pronunciation: Outcome effects, interactional processes, and shaping factors

Yuanjun Dai, Zhiwei Wu

Research output: Journal article publicationJournal articleAcademic researchpeer-review

5 Citations (Scopus)


This article reports on a study examining mobile-assisted peer feedback on EFL pronunciation. The study focused on 10 Chinese EFL students majoring in music. They worked as mixed-proficiency dyads in a peer feedback task mediated by a social networking app (WeChat). The higher-proficiency students acted as feedback givers, and the lower-proficiency students as feedback receivers. Data sources included (a) comprehensibility scores in the pretest, posttest and delayed posttest, (b) recorded peer feedback sessions, and (c) interview transcripts. It was found that the feedback task contributed to the pronunciation improvement for both feedback givers and receivers. 13 interactional moves were identified in the peer feedback sessions. Based on the distribution of interactional moves and the participants’ self-positioning, it was found that four dyads displayed clear interactional patterns (collaborative, expert/novice, or dominant/dominant) but one dyad showed a mixed pattern. Four factors were found to shape the interactional processes. The first two factors were task-related (i.e. role assignment) and person-related (i.e. prior music learning and teaching experience), while the remaining two were context-related (i.e. significant others and online resources). The article also discusses pedagogical implications for maximizing the learning potentials of mobile-assisted peer feedback.
Original languageEnglish
Article number102953
Early online date16 Nov 2022
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2022


  • Mobile-assisted language learning
  • Peer feedback
  • Peer interaction
  • EFL pronunciation


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