Long-haul quasi-single-mode transmissions using few-mode fiber in presence of multi-path interference

Qi Sui, Hong Yu Zhang, John D. Downie, William A. Wood, Jason Hurley, Snigdharaj Mishra, Pak Tao Lau, Chao Lu, Hwa Yaw Tam, Ping Kong Alexander Wai

Research output: Journal article publicationJournal articleAcademic researchpeer-review

37 Citations (Scopus)


We study long-haul Quasi-Single-mode (QSM) systems in which signals are transmitted in the fundamental modes of a few-mode fiber (FMF) while keeping other system components such as amplifiers and receivers are kept single-moded. The large-effective-area nature of the FMF fundamental modes improves system nonlinear tolerance in the expense of mode coupling along FMF transmissions which induces multi-path interference (MPI) and needs to be compensated. We analytically investigate 6-spatial-polarization mode QSM transmission systems in presence of MPI and show that in the weak coupling regime, the QSM channel is a Gaussian random process in frequency. MPI compensation filters are derived and performance penalties due to MPI and signal loss from higher-order modes are characterized. We also experimentally demonstrate 256 Gb/s polarization multiplexed (PM)-16-QAM QSM transmissions over a record distance of 2600 km with 100-km span using decision directed least mean square (DD-LMS) algorithm for MPI compensation.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)3156-3169
Number of pages14
JournalOptics Express
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2015

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics


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