Local identity in the form-production process, using as a case study Sejong in South Korea.

Hee Sun Choi, Alan Reeve

Research output: Journal article publicationJournal articleAcademic researchpeer-review


This article argues that many of those changes to the built environment brought about through economic and cultural globalization have resulted in a blurring of national identities expressed through city form, worldwide, including South East and Far East Asian countries. As a reaction to this, local identity has emerged as a central concern among both academics and many built environment professionals for setting the twenty-first century urban development agenda. The focus of this article is to explore place-making in relation to the role of different actors within the form-production process, and the implications of globalization for local identity using as a case the new multifunctional administrative city of Sejong in South Korea. Evidence was collected using a testing survey that aimed at gaining a clear insight into the role of local identity from the perspectives of different key actors involved in the Sejong project; the survey focused on building up a comprehensive narrative of their knowledge, experience, and sense of identity and sustainability in relation to place identity in new place construction. This survey and the findings from it illustrate the importance of user participation in the decision-making process, in achieving social sustainability and the incorporation of local cultural resources. The findings summarized in this article reveal the current poor level of understanding and the limitations in delivering inclusive local identity within the urban design policies of Sejong, and how local identity and the needs of local culture could be incorporated, sustained and developed in contemporary new town development in the South East/Far East Asian context.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)66-78
JournalUrban Design International
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2015
Externally publishedYes


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