Leveraging Physical Activities to Support Learning for Young People via Technologies: An Examination of Educational Practices Across the Field

Junnan Yu (Corresponding Author), Tian Xu, Camryn Kelley, Janet Ruppert, Ricarose Roque

Research output: Journal article publicationJournal articleAcademic researchpeer-review


Many technological interventions have leveraged physical activity (PA, i.e., activities that involve whole-body movements) to provide young people with active and productive learning experiences. However, there is a lack of systematic understanding of how PA can serve as a learning medium—for example, how PA can support learning and how to design technologies to support PA-based learning. This paper conducts a systematic literature review (N = 141) of PA-based, technology-mediated learning experiences for young people with a focus on how PA supports learning, what technologies are involved, and the associated challenges. Through content analysis, we identified four approaches of how PA and learning were combined (i.e., PA embodied learning content, served as a functional input method for learning tasks, guided learners through different learning sites, and generated data for learning activities) and supporting technologies like full-body interaction learning environments and mobile apps. However, many challenges might arise, such as balancing learning and PA, as well as the scalability and reliability of technologies. We conclude with a discussion and reflection on design implications for more PA-based learning experiences and technologies. Overall, this paper provides a systematic overview of the different ways to design physically active learning experiences for young people and can serve as a reference for future designs of physically active learning experiences and technologies.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-47
Number of pages47
JournalReview of Educational Research
Publication statusAccepted/In press - 18 May 2024


  • computer applications
  • computers and learning
  • content analysis
  • learning
  • physical activity
  • qualitative research
  • student teaching
  • technology
  • young people

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Education


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