Learning through reflection : students’ service learning experiences in Cambodia

Phyllis Pang, Sau Ting Cynthia Wu

Research output: Chapter in book / Conference proceedingConference article published in proceeding or bookAcademic research


Service-learning (SL) is denoted as learning to master and apply skill in a real-life situation meeting community need (Groh, et al, 2011). The SL subject titled “Healthy Life-style Challenges in Developing Community” developed by School of Nursing of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University arms to team up students from different faculty. They are required complete 40 hours of direct service to service recipients by conducting need assessment with respect to healthy lifestyle. Based on the results of the assessment, tailor-made health promotion plans would be delivered to the service recipients on the returned visit. Students’ learning is assessed by their performance on service delivery on attitudes, skills and knowledge in interpersonal skills as well as the professional competence. Students are required to submit reflective journals at pre-trip and post-trip period. This paper aims to highlight the themes of students learning as emerged from students’ reflective journals. Themes were extracted from the reflective journals using content analysis approach. Their reflection indicated in-depth learning like engagement in a real-life situation, development of empathy and empowerment of service-recipients in area of gaining knowledge and skills in practicing healthy lifestyle.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication2016 Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Service-Learning (ICSL 2016), the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 1-2 Dec 2016
Number of pages4
Publication statusPublished - 2016
Event2nd International Conference on Service-Learning [ICSL] - , Hong Kong
Duration: 1 Dec 20162 Dec 2016


Conference2nd International Conference on Service-Learning [ICSL]
Country/TerritoryHong Kong


  • Learning through reflection
  • Service-learning
  • Lifestyle modification
  • Health assessment
  • Health promotion


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