
X.X. Chen, L.X. Wu, Wen Zhong Shi, Y.B. Wang, K.Y. Li

Research output: Journal article publicationJournal articleAcademic research


对角线是解决GTP模型平面剖切时产生空洞现象而引入的辅助构模元素。该文在分析GTP组成要素及对角线作用的基础上,提出了一种对角线的引入方法———最小顶点标识(SVID)法;并基于QuaPA编码原理论述了GTP顶点ID的编码步骤,给出了GTP模型引入对角线后在地质体三维平面剖切显示中的应用。||Diagonal is an auxiliary modeling primitively used for removing the gap produced in the planar clipping on generalized tri-prism (GTP) model.Based on analyzing the primitives of GTP component and the role of diagonal,this paper provides a new method,the smallest vertex identifier (SVID),for diagonal generation in GTP component,introduces the coding of GTP vertexes by Quadrant label prefixed for Principal code and Auxiliary code (QuaPA) method,and discusses its coding steps in detail.Moreover,the three-dimensional clipping on geological entities after diagonal generation in GTP model is introduced.
Original languageChinese (Simplified)
Pages (from-to)19-21
Number of pages3
Journal地理與地理信息科學 (Geography and geo-information science)
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2004


  • GTP model
  • Diagonal
  • QuaPA coding
  • Tetrahedron
  • Spatial clipping
  • Tessellation

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