“Growing in Happiness” : pilot study of a mental health promotion programme for children with mentally ill parents

S. Chan, J. Mui, K.C. Shing, Wai Tong Chien, A. Chan

Research output: Journal article publicationJournal articleAcademic research


有研究一致認為父母親的精神疾病會使得孩子的社會、心理、生理狀態顯著低于那些沒有被父母精神疾病影嚮的孩子。本研究是一個精神健康促進項目的初步科研究告,是為了評价精神疾病父母孩子而設立的歡笑成長項目。樣本是30個來自新界西區的孩子,他們6~11歲,父母單方或雙方經受精神健康疾病。項目包括6個部分,每個部分兩個小時。活動內容包括精神健康教育、社交訓練、問題解決、交互和放松鍛練、与年齡相匹配的游戲和活動、同伴支持。研究者開發了供孩子用的精神疾病小冊子和執行項目的手冊。結果測量包括:中文版一般自我效能量表,羅森伯格自尊量表,中文版狀態焦慮量表,人際關系量表,和焦點團體訪談。參与者的自我效用、自尊、人際關系得到顯著提高,狀態焦慮顯著降低,質性數據提示參與者相當愉快,他們學習了關于精神疾病的知識。父母提供的資料顯示他們能夠觀察到孩子參與本項目後的積極行為變化。在以後的執行中,本項目將會進一步加入交互策略,戶外活動也將會融入到項目中。本研究為大型科研提供了實施依据,項目框架也可以用來發展其他年齡段孩子的教育項目。||Current research consistently suggests that parental mental illness places children at a significantly greater risk of having lower social, psychological and physical health than children from families not affected by mental illness. This paper reported a pilot study to evaluate a mental health promotion programme for children of mentally ill parent(s). Thirty children from the New Territories West region, aged 6-11 years old, who have one or both parents experiencing a mental health problem were recruited in this pilot study. The programme ‘Growing in Happiness’ (歡笑成長) was developed which consisted of six sessions (three hours per session). Activities included mental health education, communication exercises, problem solving, interactive and relaxation exercises, age appropriated games and activities, and peer support. ‘A Booklet for Children about Mental Illness’, and a manual for conducting the programme were developed. Outcome measures included Chinese General Self-efficacy Scale; Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale; Chinese version of the State Anxiety Scale for Children; Interpersonal scale; and focus group interview. The pilot study showed that the participants had improved self-efficacy, self-esteem, interpersonal relationship and reduced anxiety. Qualitative data supported that the participants were happy. They have learnt knowledge on mental illness. Parents supported that they observed their children had positive behavioral changes after attending the programme. The programme will be improved by adding more interactive strategies in delivering the programme. Outing will also be incorporated in the programme. This pilot study provided support for the implementation of a large scale study. The framework of this programme could be used to develop programmes for children of other age groups.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)22-30
Number of pages9
JournalHong Kong journal of mental health
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2011


  • Mental health promotion
  • Children with mentally ill parents


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