Functional investigation into the regulatory roles of genetic variants of the bone morphogenetic protein 4 (BMP4) gene associated with high myopia in Chinese population

Regina Kwarteng, Xuan Liao, Chien-Ling Huang, Kim Hung Leung, Keng Hung Maurice Yap, Long Qian Liu, Shea Ping Yip

Research output: Unpublished conference presentation (presented paper, abstract, poster)Conference presentation (not published in journal/proceeding/book)Academic researchpeer-review

Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 5 Apr 2020
EventHuman Genome Meeting 2020 (became a Virtual Meeting due to COVID-19 pandemic) - Perth, Australia
Duration: 5 May 20208 May 2020


ConferenceHuman Genome Meeting 2020 (became a Virtual Meeting due to COVID-19 pandemic)
Abbreviated titleHGM2020

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