Forming of sheet textile reinforcements

Y.M. Jiang, J.H. Zhang, Jinlian Hu

Research output: Journal article publicationJournal articleAcademic researchpeer-review

5303 Citations (Scopus)


综述了平面织物成型过程 ,详细讨论了贴膜成型原理 ,分析了平面织物在成型过程中所有可能出现的空隙、重叠、起拱、起皱、单层厚度不匀、层间滑移以及面内过度剪切等等不正常情况 .介绍了平面织物成型的铺覆建模方法 ,举例说明了在二维增强织物成型设计中插入省的重要作用 .此外 ,提出了几种适用的评价平面织物可成型性的方法 .研究发现 ,平面织物的面内剪切性能对于平面织物的三维曲面成型至关重要 ,许多成型过程中出现的不正常情况均是由于面内过度剪切造成的 ||This paper reviews the sheet forming processes (in which the diaphragm forming process is discussed particularly in detail), analyzes all the possible anomalous events (such as gaps, overlaps, buckling, wrinkles, ply thickness variation, interlaminar slip as well as excessive intraply shearing) that may occur during forming. And it presents the mapping modeling methodology and illustrates the substantial importance of dart inserting in 2D textile reinforcement design. In addition, some practical means for assessing the conformability of sheet textile reinforcements are put forward. The analysis suggests that the property of shearing of a sheet cloth plays most important role when conforming to a 3D surface. Furthermore, the anomalous events, or in other words, the defects, are just due to the excessive shearing deformation. 
Original languageChinese (Simplified)
Pages (from-to)41-47
Number of pages7
Journal天津工业大学学报 (Journal of Tianjin Institute of Textile Science and Technology)
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 2002


  • Forming
  • Sheet textile reinforcements
  • Mapping and shearing property

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Polymers and Plastics

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