Fire-fighting organisations and equipment in the Qing Dynasty

Wan Ki Chow, F. Liu

Research output: Journal article publicationJournal articleAcademic research


清代的消防组织由属于官府的巡城官兵与属于民间的“水会”两大系统组成,行政、军事与消防的一体化管理是清代消防组织的特点。以现代人的眼光来看,清代的消防组织在管理与培训等方面已经具有现代科学化的某些内容。而纵观由太平桶到火烛车再到水龙所形成的救火工具发展的三部曲,我们也不难看到人们在与火灾进行斗争中的进步。||Qing Dynasty fire-fighting organisations were characterised by the unified management of administrative, military and fire-fighting exercised through two systems comprising official military patrols of cities and popular Shuihui ( "Water Association") groups. Expressed in today’s terminology, the management and training aspects of Qing Dynasty fire-fighting organisations can be described as relatively modem and scientific. The e-quipment and vehicles used to fight fires also reveal that substantial advances had been made in man’s ability to fight fires.
Original languageChinese (Simplified)
Pages (from-to)1-7
Number of pages7
Journal故宫博物院院刊 (Palace museum journal)
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - 2002


  • Qing Dynasty
  • Oonflagratioas
  • Fire - fighting organisatioas

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