Fabrication of wide-bandpass filters based on phase-shifted long-period fiber gratings inscribed by focused pulses of CO 2 laser

Yinian Zhu, Ping Shum, Hui Wen Bay, Xiaoyan Chen, Ching Hwee Tan, Min Yan, Chao Lu

Research output: Chapter in book / Conference proceedingConference article published in proceeding or bookAcademic researchpeer-review


We demonstrate the first fabrication of wide-bandpass filters based on phase-shifted long-period gratings inscribed by the mechanism of macro-deformation with the focused pulses of CO 2 laser and point-by-point technique. By introducing the it-phase shift in the middle of the grating with 500 μm of a period-length and with total number of 20 periods, the notch of resonance wavelength at 1318.55 nm of an initial long-period fiber grating is split into two symmetrical notches that are located at 1282.45 nm and 1349.75 nm in transmission spectrum, respectively. The passband bandwidth is as wide as 36.55 nm measured by -3 dB from maximum transmission between them, and the resonance strength of those two notches is almost the same as ∼ -12 dB. The temperature sensitivity is 8.8 pm/°C at a range of 23°C - 190°C. Such fiber grating components could be used as an all-fiber filter in the laser cavity. Long-period gratings with different phase shifts are also investigated with different notches of resonance attenuations. All gratings fabricated are compactness to be packaged into the fiber-optic based devices.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication2004 International Conference on Communications, Circuits and Systems
Number of pages5
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2004
Externally publishedYes
Event2004 International Conference on Communications, Circuits and Systems - Chengdu, China
Duration: 27 Jun 200429 Jun 2004


Conference2004 International Conference on Communications, Circuits and Systems


  • CO laser 2
  • Fiber Bragg gratings
  • Long-period fiber gratings
  • Macro-deformation
  • Phase shift

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Engineering


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