Fabrication of highly durable, washable and scalable conductive textiles by polymer-assisted metal deposition (PAMD)

Casey Yan, Zijian Zheng

Research output: Chapter in book / Conference proceedingConference article published in proceeding or bookAcademic researchpeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


Thanks to human's unrestrained imagination and the desire for a better living, future electronics are no longer restricted on rigid and fragile circuit boards but flexible and foldable substrates. With increasingly large applications of wearable electronics that require highly conductive and flexible interconnects, contacts and electrodes, metal-coated textiles are of significant interest. This article reviews a recently advanced strategy namely polymer-assisted metal deposition (PAMD) to fabricate highly durable and washable conductive textiles by introducing an interfacial polymer in-between the textile substrate and the metal layer. A robust metal layer is deposited on the textile surface with outstanding adhesion properties. PAMD is also compatible with current textile technologies such as 'pad-dry-cure' and screen printing, which is of great potential in mass production in the textile manufacturing industry. The mechanisms of PAMD, recent work on textile substrates and the potential for scale production are discussed in this review paper.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationTextile Bioengineering and Informatics Symposium Proceedings 2014 - 7th Textile Bioengineering and Informatics Symposium, TBIS 2014, in conjunction with the 5th Asian Protective Clothing Conference, APCC 2014
PublisherBinary Information Press
Number of pages9
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2014
Event7th Textile Bioengineering and Informatics Symposium, TBIS 2014, in conjunction with the 5th Asian Protective Clothing Conference, APCC 2014 - The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Duration: 6 Aug 20148 Aug 2014


Conference7th Textile Bioengineering and Informatics Symposium, TBIS 2014, in conjunction with the 5th Asian Protective Clothing Conference, APCC 2014
Country/TerritoryHong Kong
CityHong Kong


  • Electroless deposition
  • Electronic textiles
  • Metal interconnect
  • Polymer brushes

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Bioengineering
  • Biomaterials


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