In the context of a socio-ecological model, the purpose of the present study was to identify the major correlates of parenting stress of Chinese parents living in a socially impoverished community in Hong Kong. The sample composed of 549 Chinese parents of a stratified sample of nonclinical school-aged children in Hong Kong. Regression analysis suggested that increased parenting stress was related to low total household income and low parent’s educational level. Furthermore, single
parents reported a significantly higher level of stress. On the other hand, lower levels of parenting stress were associated with better social support as measured by the following: availability and satisfaction with social support, loneliness as well as carrying sole responsibility of looking after children. Findings were discussed in the context of risk and protective factors with implications in the promotion of psychological well-being and the development of intervention programs for parents in socially deprived communities.||本研究的主要目的,是根據社會生態模式的背景,瞭解生活在香港貧困社區的華人父母的親職壓力。樣本共有 549名華人父母,他們的子女都經分層抽樣、並且是非臨床病者的學齡兒童。多元迴歸分析顯示,高親職壓力水平,與低家庭收入及家長低教育水平有關。除此以外,單身家長的壓力水平,亦顯著地較高。另一方面,低親職壓力水平與較好的社區支援有關;社區支援以以下準則衡量︰社區支援的可利用度和滿意度、孤獨感與及單獨承擔養育子女的責任。循危機及保護因素的方向,調查結果暗示,在近年,多項本地調查顯示,香港青少年的發展有多個令人擔憂的現象及趨勢。社會有需要發展基層健康方案,以針對年青人的發展問題及培育正面發展。可是,香港多年來都未有開發有系統及持續的青少年正面成長課程。針對這令人擔憂的現象,香港賽馬會慈善信託基金贊助及推動了一個名為「共創成長路」的青少年正面成長課程,以促進香港初中學生的全面發展。「共創成長路」計劃的課程由本地五所大學所設計、並進行導師培訓及成效評估。通過使用不同的評估策略,成效研究結果顯示,不同的利益相關者普遍對計劃、導師、及效益有正面的評價,認為「共創成長路」的課程能有效地促進香港青少年的正面發展。
Original language | Chinese (Simplified) |
Pages (from-to) | 169-194 |
Number of pages | 26 |
Journal | Journal of psychology in chinese societies (華人心理學報) |
Volume | 9 |
Issue number | 2 |
Publication status | Published - 2008 |
- Student complaints
- Perceived justice dimensions
- Marketing
- Path analysis
- Northern Cyprus Universities