Engaging Student Motivation for Creativity in Hong Kong Creative Media Courses: Focusing on Constructivist Teaching Approaches

Research output: Unpublished conference presentation (presented paper, abstract, poster)Conference presentation (not published in journal/proceeding/book)Academic researchpeer-review


This project aims to investigate students' intrinsic motivation for applying creativity in their learning, in order to transform the attitudes and behaviors of students toward their creative thinking style using a constructivist teaching approach. The study is targeted at project-based learning (PBL), equipped with a constructivist teaching approach that emphasizes the construction of knowledge and experience and learning by doing. PBL is a teaching and learning process essential to the creative media disciplines that involve many tutorials and critique sessions. Through PBL, students become more engaged in their learning as they apply their experience and knowledge to their creative media projects and create solutions to authentic problems. By utilizing PBL, educators can shape and nurture students’ perceptions of their learning process and most importantly, their thinking skills. As other scholars have not thoroughly investigated this topic in the past years, the semi-structured interviews with focus groups were conducted for the better understanding of the relationship between PBL and students' motivation for the creativity. The results of this study will contribute to knowledge and theory regarding the motivation of students. It also seeks to aid faculty members on the ground who aim to foster student motivation as conducive to creativity. Ultimately, the proposed research will answer the following question: How are the designated teaching approaches for student motivation helpful in fostering and reinforcing creativity in creative media courses in Hong Kong?
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusNot published / presented only - Oct 2018
EventThe Asian Conference on Education & International Development 2018 - Toshi Hotel, Tokyo, Japan
Duration: 13 Oct 201815 Oct 2019


ConferenceThe Asian Conference on Education & International Development 2018
Abbreviated titleACEID


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