Energy audit of buildings : a case study of a commercial building in Causeway Bay of Hong Kong

C. Lou, Hongxing Yang, Y.T. Li, Y. Zhang

Research output: Journal article publicationJournal articleAcademic researchpeer-review


以该商业大楼为例,详细介绍了建筑物能源审计的研究结果。该楼宇设备的复杂多样性,为能源审计提供了完整的能耗数据,使得能源审计工作得以深入进行。在能源审计中应用了问卷调查、现场实测和能源收费账单统计等手段,收集了公共设备和租户空调设备、照明负荷、办公设备负荷等的能源消耗情况。确定了建筑物整体能耗水平,并将此结果与香港地区典型建筑的能耗水平相比较。根据研究结果,提出了有针对性的节能措施。||Reports a detailed study of building energy audit through the case study on the commercial building. All the complicated building service systems in the building provide an excellent array of energy use data for analysis and facilitate a detailed energy audit study. By conducting a survey of the energy end-use of various tenants, more data about the lighting and equipment loads in various premises in the building are also gathered for the analysis. Provides the details for conducting an energy audit. Besides the energy audit results on the total consumption of energy systems in the building, presents a comparison of the results with the energy consumption of typical buildings in Hong Kong. Puts forward some measures to increase energy efficiency.
Original languageChinese (Simplified)
Pages (from-to)44-50
Number of pages7
Journal暖通空調 (HV & A)
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 2006


  • Energy audit
  • Commercial complex
  • Energy performance line

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes

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