Develop a web tool for electrical engineering courses

K. M Carman Cheng, Ka Wai Eric Cheng, K. W. Chan

Research output: Chapter in book / Conference proceedingConference article published in proceeding or bookAcademic researchpeer-review


This paper describes a web tool - EElearning, which is developed for the use of Electrical Engineering department in the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. The purpose of this study is to provide an interactive learning and communication platform for both electrical engineering teachers and students. In order to enhance the study motivation, various functionalities are implemented in the EElearning. This paper presents the main functions in detail, which are Virtual laboratory, Webinar, Interactive course material presentation, and Web translator.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication2006 2nd International Conference on Power Electronics Systems and Applications, ICPESA
Number of pages4
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2006
Event2006 2nd International Conference on Power Electronics Systems and Applications, ICPESA - Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Duration: 12 Nov 200614 Nov 2006


Conference2006 2nd International Conference on Power Electronics Systems and Applications, ICPESA
Country/TerritoryHong Kong
CityHong Kong

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Energy Engineering and Power Technology
  • Control and Systems Engineering
  • Electrical and Electronic Engineering


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