Design of three-dimensional fitted garment pieces in a virtual environment

Y.L. Lu, Jinlian Hu, R.Q. Li

Research output: Journal article publicationJournal articleAcademic research


介绍了在虚拟环境中利用鼠标和三维空间交互球选取并控制人体模型上的点,将之作为三维衣片边界上的点,结合相应的数据结构,得到三维衣片轮廓线的点、边、衣片结构,接着利用插值的方法生成边界内的点,然后Delaunay三角化,生成衣片的三角面片,并将之演示出来。本文的创新点主要有以下几方面:开发了一个三维衣片设计系统,该系统集成了一套小型虚拟现实系统(小型立体显示观察系统和三维空间交互球),在该系统生成的三维虚拟环境中,设计者可以引入由美国(TC~2)公司三维人体测量系统生成的真实人体模型,在此基础上自由设计三维衣片,该系统提供了一些交互手段,使设计者可以像在真实三维环境中设计衣片一样,提供了直观的设计效果,该系统是用VC++6.0和opengl开发的;介绍了一种新的插值方法,利用这种特定的方法,可以得到符合人体且具有一定空隙量的贴体三维衣片;对delaunay三角化生成的三角衣片,进行了改进,去掉了位于三维衣片凹边外的部分,从而得到了完全符合衣片设计轮廓的三维衣片。||This paper introduces how to design and demonstrate three-dimensional fitted garment pieces in a virtual environment. The contribution of this paper lies in the use of a three-dimensional, interactive piece of equipment (a spaceball) to design garment pieces in a true 3D environment. First, a mouse is used to select points on a human model, and then a spaceball is used to control the selected points, so that the points that have offsets to the model are obtained. Second, the points are provided to data structures that have been designed and presented in this paper, so that piece structures that have data on vertices and borders are achieved. Next, the points lying inside the borders are gained using special interpolation technology. The points are then triangulated so that the triangular surfaces of the garment are obtained. Finally, the garment is demonstrated in the system.
Original languageChinese (Simplified)
Pages (from-to)53-59
Number of pages7
Journal东华大学学报. 自然科学版 (Journal of Dong Hua University. Natural science)
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 2004


  • Virtual reality technique
  • Three-dimensional piece
  • Human model
  • Three dimensional interactive design
  • Cubic spline interpolation curve
  • Delaunay triangulation
  • Interpolation

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