Design everyday city space - Reflection from modernist urbanism of Hong Kong

Research output: Journal article publicationJournal articleAcademic researchpeer-review


本文旨在对高密度空间环境下城市道路人行导示设计的功能性进行探究。以香港道路人行导示设施为例,通过实地调研,数据分析,及实地观察等方法,分别从香港道路人行导示设施的空间设计及内容信息设计的功能性着手,重点探究其如何应对密集人流、复杂道路空间、多语言、文化信息的传达障碍等问题。||This paper is aimed at function research of the guide design on urban road under high density space environment. Taking Hong Kong as an example,through on-site survey, data analysis and field observation, from the view of guide facilities of urban road and design of information content in Hong Kong, the writer put focus on the study of how to deal with relevant practical problems, like obstacles of crowded, complexity of road space, communication barriers due to multi-culture and multi- language.
Original languageChinese (Simplified)
Pages (from-to)43-47
Number of pages5
Journal设计 (Design)
Issue number9
Publication statusPublished - 2015


  • High density city
  • People line guide
  • Design
  • Function

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