Design and fabrication of mechanically flexible three-dimensional graphene/polymer nanocomposites for multifunctional applications

Long Cheng Tang, Li Zhao, Li Li Hu, Li Zhi Guan, Li Xiu Gong, Yiu Wing Mai

Research output: Unpublished conference presentation (presented paper, abstract, poster)Conference presentation (not published in journal/proceeding/book)Academic researchpeer-review


Graphene and graphene nanoribbon (GNR) have been incorporated into a wide range of polymer matrixes to fabricate nanocomposites with improved electrical, thermal, and mechanical properties [1-4]. Especially, integration of a 2D building block into macroscopic three-dimensional (3D) porous structures represents an effective way to translate the performance of individual graphene or GNR sheets to multifunctional nanocomposite materials [5]. The GNR-based nanocomposites have demonstrated great promise for a broad range of applications in the fields of mechanical reinforcement, supercapacitors, separation, and flexible electronics [6]. However, the previous 3D GNR based composites still exhibited poor structural stability and hydrophobic properties, e.g. easy brittleness and low water contact angle (<150o), limiting their practical applications in strain sensors and oil/water separation fields. Hence, it is still a challenge to fabricate 3D porous GNR based polymer composites with excellent mechanical flexibility and multi-functionality by using a facile and scalable method.

Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2017
Externally publishedYes
Event21st International Conference on Composite Materials, ICCM 2017 - Xi'an, China
Duration: 20 Aug 201725 Aug 2017


Conference21st International Conference on Composite Materials, ICCM 2017


  • 3D porous structure
  • Graphene nanoribbon
  • Mechanical flexibility
  • Multifunctionality
  • Polymer nanocomposite

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Engineering
  • Ceramics and Composites


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