Data uncertainties in geographic information system

L. Wu, J.C. Cheng, Wen Zhong Shi

Research output: Journal article publicationJournal articleAcademic researchpeer-review


在总结当前GIS数据不确定性问题的研究进展和动态的基础上,论述GIS数据不确定性的框架体系,并分析探讨GIS数据不确定性的核心理论和主要研究内容,特别是位置不确定性、属性不确定性、时域不确定性、不确定性传播和管理等问题,最后对GIS数据不确定性的数学研究方法进行分析、归纳和阐述。||Based on an analysis of the status quo and accomplishment of research on GIS data uncertainty, the main frame and system of GIS data uncertainty is described primarily. Then the core theories and the main issues of GIS data uncertainty, especially the position uncertainty, the attribute uncertainty, the temporal uncertainty, the spread and management of uncertainty, are discussed. At length, the mathematical methods of research on GIS data uncertainty are analyzed and concluded in detail.
Original languageChinese (Simplified)
Pages (from-to)13-17, 3
Number of pages5
Journal测绘科学 (Science of surveying and mapping)
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 2006


  • Uncertainty
  • Data uncertainty
  • GIS

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