Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the Chinese voice handicap index-10

Paul K.Y. Lam, Karen M. Chan, W. K. Ho, Elaine Kwong, Edwin M. Yiu, William I. Wei

Research output: Journal article publicationJournal articleAcademic researchpeer-review

103 Citations (Scopus)


OBJECTIVES/HYPOTHESIS: Recent developments in voice assessment propose the use of quality of life measurements. The Voice Handicap Index (VHI) is one of the most psychometrically robust and well-studied instruments among the various instruments for measuring quality of life. Two versions of VHI (VHI-30 and VHI-10) have been shown to be valid instruments for distinguishing dysphonic from nondysphonic individuals and also for documenting treatment effect for dysphonic patients. The VHI has been used worldwide; however, the psychometric properties of the Chinese version of VHI remains untested. This study aimed to investigate such properties of the Chinese VHI-30 and VHI-10 in the Hong Kong Chinese population. STUDY DESIGN: Psychometric analysis of the Chinese VHI-30 and VHI-10 in dysphonic patients and control subjects. METHODS: The original VHI-30 was translated into Chinese and was completed by 131 dysphonic patients and 54 nondysphonic individuals. The dysphonic patients also self-rated their dysphonic severity. RESULTS: Results showed high test-retest reliability and high item-total correlation for both Chinese VHI-30 and VHI-10. Both Chinese versions could be used to distinguish different dysphonic groups and between dysphonic and nondysphonic groups. Significant correlation was found between the VHI scores and the patients' self-rated dysphonic severity. CONCLUSION: The present study supported the original three-factorial structures of the VHI-30 and the use of the VHI for the Chinese population. It is shown that the Chinese VHI-10 is a strong representation of VHI-30 and is recommended for use in clinics because of its validity and ease of use by patients.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1192-1198
Number of pages7
Issue number7
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2006
Externally publishedYes


  • Chinese version
  • Quality of life
  • Voice Handicap Index

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Otorhinolaryngology


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