Correlation among four assessments of hand function in children with cerebral palsy

Haoying Jiang, Shuli Zhu, Lili Fang, Changsen Zhu, Chi-Wen Chien

Research output: Unpublished conference presentation (presented paper, abstract, poster)PosterAcademic researchpeer-review


Objective. Children with cerebral palsy (CP) are commonly reported to have hand dysfunction, requiring detailed and comprehensive assessments prior to the interventions. This study aimed to investigate the relationships among four hand function assessments, which capture the activity and participation levels of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health, in children with CP. Methods. Twenty-four children aged 2–6 years diagnosed with CP were recruited. These children’s fine motor ability and actual hand-skill performance were assessed using the Fine Motor Scale of the Peabody Developmental Motor Scales-Second Edition (PDMS-2-FM) and the Assessment of Children’s Hand Skills (ACHS), respectively. The children’s parents also completed two questionnaires capturing perceived hand-skill performance (the Children’s Hand‐Skills ability Questionnaire, CHSQ) and hand-use participation (the Children’s Assessment of Participation with Hands, CAP-Hand). Spearman’s ρ correlation coefficients were performed. Results. The grasping and visual motor integration scores of the PDMS-2-FM were found to correlate moderately with the ACHS scores (ρ=0.51–0.52). The grasping score also had a small correlation with the play domain score of the CHSQ (ρ=0.45). The visual motor integration scores and overall fine motor ability of the PDMS-2-FM exhibited small-to-moderate correlations with the CAP-Hand recreational domain scores (0.46 ≤|ρ| ≤ 0.64). In addition, the CAP-Hand self-care and educational domain scores had had moderate correlations with the ACHS scores (ρ=0.53–0.72). There were small-to-moderate correlations between the scores of the CHSQ activity of daily living domain and the scores of the CAP-Hand self-care (ρ=0.51), recreational (ρ=-0.54), and domestic life and community (ρ=0.49) domains. Conclusions. The study findings suggest that the four assessments, while being inter-correlated to some extent, may represent different aspects of hand function at the activity and participation levels. Combination use of these assessments is needed to capture a holistic profile of hand function in children with CP.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 24 Nov 2024
Event13th Pan-Pacific Conference on Rehabilitation 2023 (PPCR 2023) - The Empress International Convention Centre, Chiang Mai, Thailand, Chiang Mai, Thailand
Duration: 23 Nov 202224 Nov 2023


Conference13th Pan-Pacific Conference on Rehabilitation 2023 (PPCR 2023)
CityChiang Mai
Internet address


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