Concluding Remarks: From Research to Fostering the Knowledge Base of Chinese Linguistics, Second Language Acquisition, and Technology among Chinese Language Education Teachers

Sihui Echo Ke, Jing Jin

Research output: Chapter in book / Conference proceedingChapter in an edited book (as author)Academic researchpeer-review


This chapter is dedicated to a community often overlooked in the literature
on Chinese linguistics and second language acquisition—Chinese language
education teachers (Ke, 2020). As Goswami (2006) pointed out, teachers of-
ten serve as crucial communicators between researchers and the public. The
goal of this chapter is two-fold: (1) to offer an accessible summary of the
direct and indirect evidence for Chinese language practices offered by the 12
chapters included in this volume; (2) to review the chapter authors’ pertinent
proposals of what constitutes the much-needed knowledge base of Chinese
language teachers in the areas of linguistics, second language acquisition, and
technology. We conclude this chapter by offering our final reflection on the
long-term divide between Chinese linguistics and teaching Chinese as an sec-
ond language (L2), and the contribution of this edited volume as a mediator
between the two sides.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationChinese Language Education and Second Language Chinese Acquisition
Subtitle of host publicationAn Interface with Chinese Linguistics
EditorsJing Jin, Sihui (Echo) Ke
Number of pages6
ISBN (Electronic)9781003441779
ISBN (Print)9781032579474
Publication statusPublished - 14 Jan 2025

Publication series

NameThe Routledge Series on Chinese Language Education


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