Communication Design Project: Re-designing Medicine Administration for the elderly in Hong Kong

Research output: Chapter in book / Conference proceedingConference article published in proceeding or bookAcademic researchpeer-review


Today, the ageing population is subject of discussion and inquiry across the world, also in Hong Kong. The Census and Statistics Department has predicted that, in 2039, Hong Kong will be home to an estimated 2.5 million people of 65 years or older. This figure suggests that there are challenges ahead and an important factor will be an increase in medication administration.
It has been found that elderly people in Hong Kong, especially those who live alone, easily make mistakes when administering medicines. Without doctors or friends on hand to help, these older patients have to struggle with the small print and poor information design that is often found on medicine labels.
Communication Design students of School of Design of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University were asked to redesign the current Hospital Authority’s medicine labels which most of Hong Kong’s elderly are familiar with. When design students were developing prototypes, the following four areas were taken into considerations.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication Design 4 Health Conference 2017 Proceedings
Publication statusPublished - 2017
EventDesign 4 Health Conference 2017 - Arts and Design at Swinburne University, Melbourne, Australia
Duration: 4 Dec 20177 Dec 2017


CompetitionDesign 4 Health Conference 2017


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