Assessing Students in Academic Service-Learning: Faculty Experiences and Challenges

Rina Marie Favis Camus, Kam Por Kwan, Muhammad Hafiz, Lai Ping Cheung, Grace Ngai

    Research output: Unpublished conference presentation (presented paper, abstract, poster)Conference presentation (not published in journal/proceeding/book)Academic researchpeer-review


    Service-learning intends varied outcomes, academic and non-academic alike, and formally assessing student learning can prove particularly challenging for faculty. The video presents a qualitative, case study about challenges in assessing student learning in academic service-learning courses, and is based on interviews with faculty members from four universities in Hong Kong.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusNot published / presented only - 18 Nov 2021
    EventIARSLCE 2021 Virtual Gathering: Reflections on a Tumultuous Time and an Invitation to Gather - Virtual
    Duration: 15 Nov 202117 Nov 2021


    ConferenceIARSLCE 2021 Virtual Gathering: Reflections on a Tumultuous Time and an Invitation to Gather


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