Assessing advanced walking ability in people with stroke using the Groningen Meander Walking Test

Isaac O. Tan, Joseph Kim Fai Ng, Sheung Mei Shamay Ng

Research output: Journal article publicationJournal articleAcademic researchpeer-review

3 Citations (Scopus)


Method: Using a cross-sectional design, the Groningen Meander Walking Test was administered along with the Fugl-Meyer Motor Assessment for the lower extremities, measurement of lower limb muscle strength, Berg’s Balance Scale, comfortable walking speed, Timed up and Go test and Community Integration Measure-Cantonese version. Results: The Groningen Meander Walking Test completion times showed excellent intrarater, interrater and test–retest reliabilities (ICC = 0.984–1.00). Our study also showed that stroke subjects took three times longer (28.8 s) than the healthy subjects (9.0 s) in completion times. Both Groningen Meander Walking Test completion times and overstep scores significantly correlated with comfortable walking speed and Timed up and Go test. The cut off time for people with stroke was 11.98 seconds (sensitivity = 0.967; specificity = 1.0) to discriminate against healthy elderly. Conclusion: The Groningen Meander Walking Test is a highly reliable and valid tool for quantifying the advanced walking abilities of people with stroke.Implications for RehabilitationThe Groningen Meander Walking Test completion times demonstrated excellent intrarater, interrater and test–retest reliabilities.The Groningen Meander Walking Test completion times correlates well with Berg Balance Scale scores, comfortable walking and Timed Up and Go test times.The Groningen Meander Walking Test overstep scores correlates significantly to its completion times, Fugl-Myer Assessment-Lower Extremity scores, comfortable walking speed and Timed Up and Go test times.A cut off time of 11.98s best for Groningen Meander Walking Test completion times discriminates people with stroke from healthy elderly with sensitivity of 97% and specificity of 100%.The Groningen Meander Walking Test is highly reliable and easy to administer in assessing advanced walking abilities in people with stroke.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-7
Number of pages7
JournalDisability and Rehabilitation
Publication statusAccepted/In press - 2 Aug 2017


  • outcome measures
  • Rehabilitation
  • reliability
  • stroke
  • walking

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Rehabilitation


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