Waveforms arising from power electronics circuits often contain slowly changing segments with high-frequency details concentrated near the switching instants. Such a feature is consistent with the localization property of wavelets which are known in the signal processing literature to be highly suitable for describing fast changing edges embedded in slowly varying backgrounds. This paper considers the application of wavelet approximation to the steady-state analysis of power electronics circuits. A procedure that involves mixing wavelets of different levels is described. When applied to power electronics circuits, the method yields efficient solutions involving a relatively small number of wavelets and simple matrix operations.
Original language | English |
Journal | Proceedings - IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems |
Volume | 3 |
Publication status | Published - 14 Jul 2003 |
Event | Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems - Bangkok, Thailand Duration: 25 May 2003 → 28 May 2003 |
ASJC Scopus subject areas
- Electrical and Electronic Engineering